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Asgat Safarov’s crusade against the “shadow economy” of Tatarstan

The Government of the Republic of Tatarstan summarized the six-month long fight against “one-day” firms. BUSINESS Online portal analyzed the summary and questioned lawyers and businessmen about practicing the shadow operations. Alexander Bolomatov, Associated Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", shared his views on the measures, which would be useful against such firms.

Law Factor: how to choose a lawyer

Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", was invited by the Law Factor program of CITY-FM. He discussed with the anchorman, advocate Alexander Seliutin, the problems of the Russian legal business and the choice of a reliable legal adviser.

A well-known actor lost the dispute with the managing company of an elite residential complex

In spring of 2012, the district court ruled that the damages caused by a theft from the flat of the actor Andrey Sokolov were to be exacted from the managing company. However, on February 6 of 2013 the Moscow City Court determined that the managing company was not the appropriate respondent on the case and dismissed A.Sokolov’s claim. Lawyers of the Law Firm "YUST" represented the interests of the managing company in the instance of appeal.

Five new positions of the SC of Russia: what conclusions the employers should make

An article by Tatiana Samarina, Senior Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", on five resolutions by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on employment disputes was published in the January issue of the “Company Lawyer” magazine (2013, No. 1).

Why the fullback of Anzhi escaped to England from Makhachkala

A player of Anzhi football club of Makhachkala transferred to an English team within the shortest period – a record. The sports observers of the Rain TV channel looked into the causes and consequences of the transfer. Mikhail Prokopets, Head of Sports Law Group of the Law Firm "YUST", told that the player’s deal was in no way illegal, if he paid the kickback timely and completely.

“In this case, the rule “practice makes perfect” does not function”

The Competition Protection Law stipulates that, when making public purchases, only such products, works, services as are technologically and functionally connected may be included in a single lot. However, the standards for establishing such connection are not developed, and therefore the judicial practice varies greatly. Yesterday, the HCA of Russia dealt with the problem on the example of spent nuclear fuel. A contract of Rosatom state corporation was in the center of attention. Radmila Nikitina, acting Head of Antitrust Group of the Law Firm "YUST", explained to Pravo.RU, why the resultant resolution by the HCA of Russia on the case will positively affect the law applying practice.

90 minutes to get there: the Moscow authorities will “speed up” the passengers

Alexander Yevdokimov, Head of the Arbitration Pracice of the Law Firm "YUST", gave the RBC information agency an expert’s commentary on the possibility to appeal against the decision of the Moscow authorities to cancel the sale of subway tickets for one and two trips.

Leading civilists: opinions clash

The international scientific conference “Civil law of Russia: the year’s results” was held on January 24-25 under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Leading civilists have discussed the novelties to the Civil Code. Lawyers of the Law Firm "YUST" – Partner Arthur Rokhlin, Associated Partner Alexander Bolomatov and Lawyer Vitaly Grebennikov participated in the discussions during the Conference.

Yury Pilipenko: “I admire outstanding people, but I stick by the institutions”

The “Lawyer” magazine published an interview with Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", where he tells about the interference of the law-enforcement bodies with the advocacy, about the perspectives of the advocate’s monopoly, success fees, the court dispute between the State Duma and the grandson of Josef Stalin, and also about the books he would recommend for reading.

An expert’s forecast: an increase of the amount of accusations of status companies of entering into cartels is expected in 2013

Arthur Rokhlin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", told the readers of the “Juridical World” magazine of the pitfalls, which had not been taken into account during the elaboration of the Third Antitrust Package, and of the branches, which should await accusations of forming cartels in 2013.